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“Relationship Skills Workshops” Newsletter

My August 10th Workshop Registration is Open!

cut to the chase and sign up for the workshop, meeting on alternating weeks beginning in August, register NOW

Otherwise, keep reading. 


Relationship Skills for People of All Genders and Orientations

I am so excited to announce an upcoming offering that I am putting together for all of the people who have reached out to me over the years from states I am not licensed to practice in. I have wished I had a way to help support you in improving your relationships when I can only see a limited number of therapy clients and I cannot practice outside of the state of California. 

I am offering a skills-building workshop/club for people of all genders and orientations that will teach you all of the tools people learn in couples and relationship therapy, and hopefully do it in a way that helps you prepare for conflict rather than try to repair things after it has happened. 

Why Repair When You Can Prepare?

People spend thousands of dollars or more on relationship therapy, often waiting until it’s too late to seek counselingAt a minimum, partners who see me for ten sessions spend about $4500 on relationship therapy. But most distressed couples need more than ten sessions. Many people need at least six months of therapy, especially when they are recovering from multiple relationship ruptures or they have developed dysfunctional patterns that need significant effort to change. 

If you’re reading this and you’re thinking, “Wait, I’m pretty happy in my relationship,” then that’s great news! You are also who I want to reach.

Consider this workshop an investment that could potentially help you avoid the most common relationship problems, improve your communication and empathy, and help identify when you should get help before serious damage has harmed your relationships.

Research shows that people in relationships wait an average of 6 years after the first signs of relationship distress to get help. Don’t let that be you! Prepare now so that you can recognize what the signs are and learn the tools that will help keep your love alive. And trust me, these exercises are much more fun and useful to building your relationship skills when you are still in the foundational stages of your love.

I am offering safe but engaging workshops that will help you learn how to assess the current state of health of your relationship(s), practice skills to enhance connection and positivity, and identify when you may need additional help. Since you will not be coming in with things already broken, this gives us the opportunity to use our time with me teaching you the tools and exercises that can take many sessions to integrate with distressed people.


You’ll learn:

  • How to avoid the four biggest predictors of relationship distress;
  • How to understand your attachment styles and how these may come into play during times of conflict;
  • How to identify your (and your partner’s) preferred ways of giving and receiving love;
  • How to approach difficult conversations and repair ruptures in your relationship;
  • How to take these skills home and continue to work on increasing the love and connection in your relationships.


Affectionate queer lovers bonding against a rainbow flag

This group is especially welcoming of LGBTQ folks, people of color, polyamorous people, sex workers and their partners, and kinksters. All participants are advised that members should not be actively addicted to any substance at the time of the Intensive training and that relationships be free of abuse, intimidation, and domestic violence. You will not have to worry about coming into a room with a therapist/teacher or attendees who don’t “get” who you are. 

Individuals and single people are welcome, and couples, triads, and polycules are especially encouraged to attend together to get the additional benefit of practicing in the workshop and to enhance skill building post-workshop. You will leave with ideas and materials to help you continue to work on your partnership(s). 

These intensive trainings will be fun, informative, bonding, and educational. Some of it may be challenging, and parts of it will feel like play. You will learn together, and you will leave with a clearer awareness of how to better nurture your romantic relationships.

Please be aware that this is an educational workshop and not psychotherapy.

Attending the workshops will not create a doctor-patient relationship with me.

I will not be assessing your relationship, but providing tools to help you self-assess.

Are you ready to say yes to committing to healthier relationships?

Then subscribe to my newsletter where I will be announcing updates.

Yes!! Sign me up!
