Yelped: Psychotherapy in the time of online consumer reviews
Dr. Daniel Taube and I have released our findings of the experiences of psychotherapy clients both finding and leaving online reviews. This will be published in Practice Innovations and it can be read here: Kolmes, K. & Taube, D.O. (2019). Yelped: Psychotherapy in the time of online consumer reviews. Practice Innovations. DOI: 10.1037/pri0000093.
Preliminary Report: Without My Consent’s Survey of Online Stalking, Harassment, and Violations of Privacy
As always, thank you to all of the people who shared what were clearly painful experiences of online harassment. We have published a preliminary report of our findings at the Without My Consent Blog. Some have indicated difficulty accessing the site that hosts the document, and if you have trouble, you can download the document WMC Preliminary Survey Report.
Summary of Client-Therapist Encounters on the Web: The Client Experience
Thank you to everyone who participated and helped us to publicize our research on clients encountering their psychotherapist’s information on the Internet.
We have published the paper of those who found personal information about their therapist, and it can be read here:
Kolmes, K., & Taube, D. O. (2016). Client discovery of psychotherapist personal information online. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice.
We are also pleased to be able to provide a summary of our entire findings in our slideshow below (this can also be viewed in full screen mode).
Therapist-Client Interactions on the Internet
Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey. We are happy to post our summary of the results of our study on therapist encounters with client information on the Internet.
This research has been accepted for publication in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. You can read a copy here.
The slides are below. You may also view this slide show in full screen.
Investigating bias in mental health services to BDSM clients
I completed my doctoral dissertation on bias in mental health services to BDSM folks in 2003. It was published in the Journal of Homosexuality in 2006. The full text can be downloaded here in pdf format.
My paper reports on findings from an anonymous Internet-based survey administered both to BDSM-identified individuals who had received psychological care, and to mental health professionals. The survey participants were invited to write narrative accounts of biased or culturally sensitive care, from which common themes were identified. Mental health providers (N = 17) responded in fewer numbers than those who identified as BDSM-identified participants (N = 175). Descriptive characteristics of the sample were discussed. Themes from the qualitative data may be useful in informing future development of guidelines for working responsibly with these populations clinically.