Happiness & Its Causes Conference Coming to SF
If you’re going to be in San Francisco on November 24th-26th, you may want to consider attending the Happiness & Its Causes Conference which will feature workshops all exploring happiness. The conference will bring together psychologists, philosophers, scientists, educators, business people, artists, and healthcare workers and promises to be both educational and inspirational.
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend this conference, but some of the panels that I wish I could sit in on include Deconstructing Happiness, which will talk about different happy emotional states and eastern vs. western conceptions of happiness, as well as neuroplasticity and concsiousness; and Providing the Conditions for Happiness, which will address the work environment that Google provides for its employees, managing harmony in metropolitan environments, and how to alleviate human suffering for those who cannot afford health insurance. I also would have liked to attend How to Make Relationships Work, since relationships and couples counseling is a primary interest of mine and I’m always interested in learning new perspectives on how to enhance one’s relatedness to others.